Wee Baby Stella Sweet Scents Afmælissett

kr. 6.880

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Til hamingju með afmælið, elskan!
Vanilluilmandi Wee Baby Stella-dúkka heldur afmælisveislu en þá koma afmæliskóróna, afmælisbollakaka og afmælissmekkur til góðra nota.
Að sjálfsögðu vantar ekki (segul)snuð.
Eftir að hafa fengið knús gefur dúkkan frá sér dásamlegan vanilluilm.

Þessi vara vann til National Parenting Product Award-verðlauna.

Vörunúmer: MAN152930 Flokkar: , Merkimiðar: , ,


Happy Birthday Baby! This vanilla scented birthday set comes with a Wee Baby Stella peach doll, paper tiara, pretend cupcake and happy birthday bib. The 12 inch (30,5 cm) peach Wee Baby Stella doll is completely soft and beautifully crafted with features such as a belly button and perfectly plump tummy and comes with a magnetic pacifier. This birthday themed set features scent technology by Celessence, an innovative micro-encapsulation delivery system – gently hug doll to release her vanilla scent. Winner of a National Parenting Product Award.

Ages 12 months+
Measures: 6,4 X 10,2 X 30,5 cm
Surface wash only
This product meets or exceeds EN71 and CPSIA safety regulations
Comes boxed


Þyngd 200 g
Ummál 26 × 10 × 33 cm


Baby Stella
