Talningarkubbar í boxi

kr. 5.400

Á lager

Stafla, telja, mæla, byggja, búa til mynstur… þessir litlu kubbar gera börnum kleift að æfa reikning. Þessar kubbar eru þægilegir þar sem hægt er að smella þeim saman. Þau eru frábær fyrir markvissa æfingu þegar kemur að reiknihugtökum eins og meira-minna, hátt-lágt, jafnt, hærra, lægra o.s.frv.

viðarkassi (25 x 18 x 6 cm) 100 stykki

Vörunúmer: HEU900000340 Flokkar: , Merkimiðar: , ,


Welcome to the world of Educo: a colourful world full of playful learning, new ideas, and challenging educational games. In this world, there is plenty of time and attention for the development of every single child. Children instinctively learn when they play. Through play, children gain valuable experiences that allow them to grow and develop. Educo provides play-based learning through active hands-on products that inspire growth and success in children aged 3-6 years.