Rubens barn doll

kr. 17.130

Þessar mjúku, handgerðu dúkkur hafa verið sérstaklega hannaðar í samvinnu við sérfræðinga til að hjálpa börnum að læra um eigin líkama, tilfinningar og heiminn í kringum þau í gegnum leik.

Dúkkurnar eru mjúkar, 45 cm á hæð og 600 grömm að þyngd. Húð dúkkunnar er úr 100% lífrænni bómull sem er vottuð af Organic Content Standard (OCS) og hefur 100% Global Recycled Standard (GRS) pólýester trefjafyllingu.

Fyrir 0 ára+


These soft, handmade dolls have been specially developed in collaboration with experts to help children learn about their own bodies, emotions and the world around them through play.

The dolls have a soft body, are 45 cm tall and weigh 600 grams. The dolls’ skin is made of 100% organic cotton certified by the Organic Content Standard (OCS) and has 100% Global Recycled Standard (GRS) polyester fiber filling.

Play age: 0+


Þyngd 2000 g
Ummál 22 × 18 × 36 cm



Rubens Barn

Play Your Way to a Kinder Future with Rubens Barn! At Rubens Barn, we believe in helping children become confident and compassionate individuals. This is why each Rubens Barn doll has been developed to help increase creativity and empathy as well as self-awareness through play. They are Swedish designed, high-quality, and handmade soft dolls, all with happy unique characters for us who are kids at heart! Our Mission & Vision At Rubens Barn, we love collaborating with experts, listening to our customers, and finding inspiration from other industries. This motivates and inspires us to keep up with the needs of the current and future generations to come. We offer a unique and nurturing friend to all children around the world to help them develop the tools and confidence through play to shape the future into a kinder one.