Plus-Plus Jólagjöf Puzzle-By-Number

kr. 590

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Vertu tilbúinn fyrir skapandi jólaskemmtun með auðveldu Puzzle by Number jólagjöfinni okkar! Með 40 Plus-Plus í jólalitum er kominn tími til að búa til sitt eigið jólaskraut og hvað er betra en litla jólagjöf.

PLUS-PLUS kubbarnir koma frá Danmörku, eru allir með sama formið og hafa endalausa möguleika.

3+ ára



The Christmas present is easy to create, because you just have to match the numbers and colors using the accompanying manual, and voila, you have a small Christmas present in green, red and gold – it doesn’t get more Christmassy. The Christmas present is easy and fun to make, and the whole family can join in. Let it become part of your regular Christmas decoration tradition, and use it as a decoration on the Christmas table, or put a string in it and hang it on the Christmas tree. The possibilities are endless.

When Christmas is over, you can use your Plus-Pluses to build something completely different, before taking them out again for next Christmas, and the next, and the next…

Building instructions included
Small parts – not suitable for children under 3 years
Free of hormone-disrupting substances
Plus-Plus are easy to clean and can be washed in the washing machine or dishwasher
Playing with Plus-Plus combines play and learning and develops children’s creativity

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