Orðaforðapúsl – sett af 4

kr. 20.500

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Frásagnar púsl sem efla orðaforða barna og örvar frásagnagáfu.

Endingargóð trépúsl með fallegum myndum. Hvert púsl inniheldur 49 bita og eru bitarnir ekki allir í sömu stærð.

Settið inniheldur 4 púsl

4+ ára


This set of wooden vocabulary puzzles covers the following habitats: the savannah, the polar regions, the coral and the tropical forest. Each puzzle has 49 pieces. They come in a 40 x 40 cm wooden frame together with a manual. This manual covers all the names of the animals that can be seen on the puzzle in 6 languages.

900000067 Vocabulary Puzzle – The savannah (49)
900000068 Vocabulary Puzzle – The polar regions (49)
900000069 Vocabulary Puzzle – The coral (49)
900000070 Vocabulary Puzzle – The tropical forest (49)


Þyngd 3000 g
Ummál 40 × 40 × 4 cm

