LEGO Education Play and Learning Set – 22 grunnplötur

kr. 6.300

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LEGO Education 22 grunnplötur í 8 mismunandi litum og 3 stærðum

Fyrir 4 ára+

Vörunúmer: LEG9388 Flokkar: , , , Merkimiðar: ,


LEGO Education 22 small building plates

Eight 2.5″ x 5″ plates (two each of four colors)
Eight 2″ x 4″ plates (two each of four colors)
Six 5″ x 5″ plates (two each of three colors)

Age: 4+


Þyngd 1000 g
Ummál 26 × 6 × 19 cm


LEGO Education