LEGO Education DUPLO Play and Learning Set – Creative Builder (124 stk)

kr. 24.410

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LEGO Education Play and Learning Set – Creative Builder (124 stk)

Skemmtilegt sett fyrir leikskólabörn sem stíga sín fyrstu skref í LEGO-heiminum.

Fyrir 2-5 ára

Vörunúmer: LEG45000 Flokkar: , , , Merkimiðar: ,


LEGO Education Play and Learning Set – Creative builder (124 pcs)

Test winner in 2012 among kindergarten and preschool teachers in the USA, the UK and Germany. This engaging and easily managed set introduces building with LEGO® DUPLO® and following simple instructions, with four inbox double-sided activity cards and two base stations providing plenty of easy-to-follow construction tasks. As well as developing an understanding of 2D and 3D shapes, the set is designed to encourage collaboration and storytelling, and helps to develop the use of descriptive language and an understanding of different roles and emotions that relate to community life.

Key Learning Points:

– Exploring shape, space, position and numeracy.
– Investigating 2D and 3D shapes.
– Building using one-to-one correspondence.
– Using descriptive language to express thoughts and create narratives.
– Making relationships while building co-operatively.
– Exploring the world through connections to models and card backgrounds.

Age: 2-5


Þyngd 4000 g
Ummál 44 × 33 × 18 cm


LEGO Education