LEGO Education Creative Building – Fantasy Minifigure Set

kr. 11.500

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LEGO Education Creative Building – Fantasy Minifigure Set

Inniheldur 21 mínífígúrur

Tilvalið fyrir kennslu á leikskólum:
– hlutverkaleikur
– frásagnarlist
– samvinna
– leikjaspjöld

Fyrir 4 ára+

Vörunúmer: LEG45023 Flokkar: , , , Merkimiðar: ,


LEGO Education Creative Building – Fantasy Minifigure Set (21 minifigures)

With an inspiring mix of real-life, make-believe and historical characters, these 21 LEGO characters unleash children’s imagination. Watch them bring stories to life and take them to another level by adding extra details to each model. Playing cards provide gaming elements that promote social skills, critical thinking and language development.

Age: 4+


Þyngd 500 g
Ummál 26 × 5 × 19 cm


LEGO Education