KAPLA Litað kubbasett – Köngulóarkassi

kr. 7.310

Á lager

Köngulóarkassi inniheldur 75 kubba (55 í viðarlit, 10 gula og 10 græna) sem eru allir eins að lögun og því eru byggingarmöguleikarnir óteljandi.
Með fylgja leiðbeiningar.


The Spider is a beginner’s construction, which after step-by-step guidance, can pave the way for all sorts of other animals and structures. The assortment of planks invites builders to go on to freely play with their imagination and explore other ideas.

Contains: 75 planks (55 natural, 10 yellow and 10 green) + step-by-step assembly instructions.

Food-safe colours.


Þyngd 3000 g

