Hreyfisandur / sensory sand / kinetic sand, RAINBOW- 5 kg

kr. 11.990

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Hreyfisandur (sensory sand) er tilvalinn til notkunar fyrir alls kyns skynjunarleiki og frábær leið til að æfa fínhreyfingar, þjálfa nákvæmni og þolinmæði og finna í sér falinn listamann.

Fyrir 3 ára +


5 kg Sensory-Sand in 6 colors

Playing with sensory sand is a fascinating sensual experience. The therapeutic effect of the flowing sand leads to relaxation and deceleration and offers fun for people aged 3 to 99.

The sand has flowing properties, but can also be pressed and shaped. Does not stick to surfaces or hands and does not dry out.

Sensory sand consists primarily of quartz sand and silicone oil. It’s all in the mixture…
Avoid outdoor use and contact with water. If the sand does get wet, simply air dry and the properties will return without restriction.

Manufacturer: JH-products

ATTENTION: WARNING! CHOKING HAZARD. Small parts. Not for children under 3 years.

Width: 240 mm
Height: 200 mm
Length: 140 mm
Weight: 5.25 kg


Þyngd 5500 g
Ummál 24 × 14 × 20 cm