BIG Sport Bike Jafnvægishjól

kr. 16.960

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Einstaklega stöðugt jafnvægishjól með breiðum dekkjum og þremur vélarhljóðum.
Lága sætið tryggir góðan stuðning og stöðugleika.
Barnvæn handföng vernda litlar hendur gegn núningi og að renna til.
Hjólin eru mjúk, hljóðlát og slitþolin.

Rafhlöður: LR754 1.5V (ekki innifaldar)

Stærð: 62.5 x 34.5 x 46 cm

Hámarksburðargeta: 50 kg

Fyrir 18 mán – 5 ára


The BIG Sport Bike in the color green is perfectly suitable for children from 18 months and is therefore the ideal walker for indoors and outdoors. The wide, low-lying seat ensures an ideal driving position and optimum grip. The ergonomic handlebar is equipped with child-friendly grips including hand protection. These prevent slipping and protect the little hands at the same time, should the riders accidentally bump into something. The limitation of the steering angle provides additional safety when cornering by increasing tipping stability.

BIG has placed particular emphasis on the further development of the already proven, wide wheels. The abrasion-resistant premium wheels out of soft material provide excellent grip and whisper-quiet rolling noise.

A special highlight for the little riders is the electronic sound module under the front front cover. It plays three realistic motorcycle sounds. Batteries for test purposes are already included. The BIG Sport Bike is easy to transport thanks to the practical carrying handle at the rear.

In terms of design, too, the BIG Sport Bike in sophisticated anthracite and fresh green elements is a real eye-catcher. The cheeky look is complemented by modern stickers in racing optic.

The BIG Sport Bike Green is manufactured in the modern BIG factory in Germany and has been tested for maximum safety. From the manufacturer of the BIG Bobby-Car – BIG-buffalo strong!

Dimensions assembled (L x W x H): 62,5 x 34,5 x 46 cm