BIG Linde Forklift – lyftari

kr. 79.900

Á lager

Linde lyftarinn frá BIG

Þessi barnalyftari, byggður á upprunalegri hönnun Linde 394 seríunnar, mun gleðja alla krakka sem elska stórar vélar. Þessi öflugi lyftari býður upp á margt skemmtilegt: brettagaffalinn er hægt að færa fram og aftur og að sjálfsögðu einnig upp og niður.

Til að tryggja endalausa skemmtun í leik er hægt að stilla sætið miðað við stærð barnsins án þess að þurfa að stilla tæki. Allit pedalabílar frá BIG eru búnir barnvænum pedölum og hágæða nákvæmni keðjudrif til að gera akstur að barnaleik.

Stærð (samsett; L x B x H): 130 x 56 x 105 cm
Burðarþol: 50 kg

Aldur: 3 ára+


BIG Linde Forklift

This children’s forklift truck based on the original design of the Linde 394 series will delight all kids and not just those little warehouse workers. This robust forklift truck offers a wealth of playtime possibilities. The pallet fork can be moved forwards and backwards, as well as up and down. This forklift truck comes with its own pallet to ensure all those little pieces of cargo can be quickly transported to the desired storage location. This ingenious truck allows children from the age of 3 years to practise a whole variety of different movement sequences as well as their dexterity skills.

To ensure hours of playtime fun, the comfortable seat can be adjusted to suit the size of the child without the need for any adjustment tool. BIG pedal vehicles are equipped with non-slip, child-friendly pedals and a high-quality precision chain drive to make driving child’s play. The chain on this children’s vehicle can be quickly retightened by means of the integrated eccentric.

Product details:
Dimensions assembled (L x W x H): 130 x 56 x 105 cm
Load-bearing capacity: 50 kg

Age: 3 years+