Arte Viva Klemmuvarnir 180 cm

kr. 16.660

Á lager

Klemmuvarnirnar eru auðveldar í uppsetningu og henta vel fyrir allar tegundir hurða sem opnast mest í 180°.

Ef hurðin opnast meira mælum við frekar með klemmuvörn extreme.

Fagleg og hentug lausn fyrir skóla og leikskóla.

SKG-IKOB® vottað (EN16654 og NEN8654).

Klemmuvarnirnar eru prófaðar fyrir 1.000.000 hurðarop og lokanir.

Forðar því að fingur festist og klemmist.


Leiðbeiningar (wide strip):

Leiðbeiningar (narrow strip):

Hvernig á að fjarlægja klemmuvarnirnar:


Door Finger Guards

The door protection for children, the Finger Alert 170-180° Professional is specially designed for (pre-) schools, kindergartens, nurseries, child daycare centers, and public buildings. These professional door finger guards eliminate the risk of inattentive children getting their fingers stuck between the hinge side of the door.

Highest safety certificate

All our door finger guards are SKG® certified and comply with EN16654 and NEN8654 standards, guaranteeing the safety of your doors. Finger Alert Professional is the first and only one to meet the highest standards in the world. These door finger guard absorbs the heaviest blows and lasts for years. With the professional finger protection for doors you prevent pinched fingers in the door. The Arte Viva door finger guards are ideal for children because it creates a child-safe environment. For this reason, we recommend the “Finger Alert” for use in schools, nurseries, daycare centers, sport clubs, hospitals, and homes.

Protects both sides of the door

The Finger Alert Professional finger guard consists of two profiles for the push and pull side of the door so that both sides of the door are protected, and two click strips to facilitate installation. With the click strips, these door finger protectors can be detached from the door for maintenance within seconds.

ARTE VIVA booklet:


Þyngd 500 g
Ummál 180 × 5 × 3 cm


Arte Viva