Rubens Barn
Sýnir 1–12 af 13 niðurstöðum
- Aðventu- og jólavörur
- Baðdót
- Dúkkudót
- Dýr og fylgihlutir
- Eldriborgarar
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- Hjól & Vagnar
- Hljóðfæri
- Hlutverkaleikur
- Húsgögn
- Íþróttavörur
- Kennslugögn & -leikföng
- KRUMMA Jóladagatal
- Kubbar
- Kúlubrautir
- Leiktæki
- Lestir
- List & handverk
- Mjúkar brúður & bangsar
- Óflokkað
- Perlur
- Rugguhestar
- Sandur & leir
- Skólahúsgögn
- Skólahúsgögn & búnadur
- Spil & Púsl
- Tímastjórnun
- Ungbarnaleikföng
- Útiæfingatæki
- Útihúsgögn
- Útileikföng
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Play Your Way to a Kinder Future with Rubens Barn!
At Rubens Barn, we believe in helping children become confident and compassionate individuals. This is why each Rubens Barn doll has been developed to help increase creativity and empathy as well as self-awareness through play. They are Swedish designed, high-quality, and handmade soft dolls, all with happy unique characters for us who are kids at heart!
Our Mission & Vision
At Rubens Barn, we love collaborating with experts, listening to our customers, and finding inspiration from other industries. This motivates and inspires us to keep up with the needs of the current and future generations to come.
We offer a unique and nurturing friend to all children around the world to help them develop the tools and confidence through play to shape the future into a kinder one.
Rubens Barn 4-in-1 Burðarrúm
kr. 6.720 -
Rubens Barn Activity Cutie
kr. 9.620 -
Rubens Barn Baby
kr. 14.400 -
Rubens barn doll
kr. 17.130 -
Rubens Barn dúkkuföt
kr. 6.240 -
Rubens Barn EcoBuds
kr. 6.490 -
Rubens Barn fatasett
kr. 4.120 – kr. 5.080 -
Rubens Barn Mini EcoBuds
kr. 4.170 -
Rubens Barn sett – Bleyjusett
kr. 4.730 -
Rubens Barn sett – Matarsett
kr. 6.080 -
Rubens Barn sett – Sjúkrasett
kr. 7.590 -
Rubens Barn sett – Svefnsett
kr. 6.080